The EURATOM and other European Commission (EC) programmes (e.g. INCO-Copernicus, ECP) have supported many radioecology related projects over the years. However, many of the outputs of these projects have not been catalogued in a way such as they are all openly accessible. The STAR project collated and made available many of the outputs, however, please note the collation is not exhaustive (it largely starts with the 5th Framework Programme although a few earlier projects are included). Brief overviews of the projects and their outputs are provided. For ease of presentation the various projects have been categorised according to topics:
- Behaviour of radionuclides in the aquatic environment
- Behaviour of radionucides in the terrestrial environment
- Education, training and cross-cutting studies
- Emergency preparedness and remediation
- Human epidemiology and low dose effects
- Monitoring and analytical procedures
- Radiation protection of the environment
In addition, STAR has arranged for many of the publications from EC funded projects related to radioecology to be made available through the International Nuclear Information System (INIS). The INIS hosts one of the world's largest collections of published information on nuclear science and technology and also offers on-line access to a unique collection of non-conventional literature.
Page (and underlying pages) last updated: Apr/May 2020