Links from this page will take you publications specifically arising from ALLIANCE activities; compilations of reports (and in some instances papers) from relevant EURATOM funded programmes; international organisations publications pages; and publications pages for ALLIANCE members.
- ALLIANCE publications
- Publications related to ALLIANCE activities
- EURATOM project publications
- CONCERT European Joint Programme - Reports from the CONFIDENCE and TERRITORIES projects can be found as D9.x and papers from TERRITORIES can be accessed here
- STAR - STrategy for Allied Radioecology Network of Excellence
- COMET - COordination and iMplementation of a pan-European instrumenT for radioecology project
- PROTECT - Protection of the environment from ionising radiation in a regulatory context project
- ERICA - Environmental Risk from Ionising Contaminants: Assessment and Management) project - Reports and Papers
- FASSET - Framework for Assessment of Environmental Impact project - Reports and Papers
- EPIC - Environmental protection from ionising contaminants in the Arctic project - Reports and Papers
- Earlier EURATOM project outputs - categorised by topic, this listing was originally collated by the STAR project, it is not exhaustive and has not subsequently been updated.
- Publication catalogues
- The publication catologue page links to IAEA, ICRP, US Nuclear Energy Agency, World Nuclear Association and Nuclear Energy Agency publications download pages or catalogues
- Ukrainian/Russian/Belarussian language publications
- The ALLIANCE funded the Chornobyl Center For Nuclear Safety, Radioactive Waste And Radioecology (Slavutych, (Ukraine) to prepare a collation of papers for this website with titles and abstracts translated into English
- ALLIANCE member publications archives (under development)
- UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology: NERC Open Access Research Archive and TREE (Transfer – Exposure – Effects) project publications
Page last updated: Apr/May 2020