Finnish monitoring of radioactive substances in the Baltic Sea

Finnish monitoring of radioactive substances in the Baltic Sea


AbstractSince 1984 STUK has monitored radioactivity in the Baltic Sea under the Helcom-MORS group (Helsinki Commission - Monitoring radioactive substances). Each year more than 100 samples of seawater, bottom sediment, fish and other biota are collected by STUK. 137Cs and other gamma emitting radionuclides have been analyzed from all of the samples. 90Sr has been determined in seawater, fish and biota samples. 239, 240Pu from seawater and sediment samples. The results have also been reported annually to the Helcom-Mors database which contains radioactive monitoring data from all the Baltic Sea countries.
STAR partnerSTUK
Type of dataMonitoring
Sample number>1000
Quality[Quality of measurements have been verified by organizing annual intercomparisons among the Baltic Sea countries. Quality of the database is also verified each year]. Data have been collected as a part of STUKs environmental monitoring program since 1960. Since 1999, radioactivity determinations have been carried out using an accredited method with regular quality control through intercomparisons, calibrations and blank samples. Prior to 1999, in-house quality evaluation took place with similar quality assessments.
Spatially referencedYes
Ecosystem typeBrackish water
Sample typeSeawater, bottom sediment, fish and other biota
Date1984 - ongoing
StatusOn-going programme
Obtain data

Data are provided on request without restriction. Contact:

Key reference sourcesIlus E. The Chernobyl accident and the Baltic Sea. Boreal Environmental Research 2007; 12: 1-10
Ikäheimonen TK, Outola I, Vartti V-P, Kotilainen P. Radioactivity in the Baltic Sea: inventories and temporal trends of 137Cs and 90Sr in water and sediments. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemisty 2009; 282 (2): 419-425
Data ownershipSTUK
Database formatExcel
Figure informationClick on the link to watch short videos of water and suspended particulate matter sampling (prepared by STUK).

finland , marine , infoex


Prepared by STAR NoE