STAR Analytical Methods
A wide-ranging expertise in the area of radionuclide determination methods can be found within the STAR partners. Most of the analytical methods are either evaluated or accredited by an external evaluator. General descriptions (and known problems and their solutions, uncertainties and any QA knowledge etc) can be found here:
- Determination of 241Am in urine
- Determination of carbon-14 analysis
- Determination of gamma spectroscopy
- Determination of tritium analysis H-3
- Instructions for freeze dryer
- Determination of gross alpha analysis from swipe samples
- Determination of gross beta and residual beta analysis; gross beta in water
- Determination of gross alpha analysis from water samples
- Element Concentration Measurements
- Neutron activation analysis instructions
- Determination of Pb-210 from water sample using Trischem Sr-resin
- Determination of plutonium and americium analysis from soil, vegetation and sediment from soil and sediment
- Determination of polonium and lead from water samples
- Pretreatment of seawater for transuranic analysis
- Sample pretreatment
- Determination of radium analysis Ra-226, Ra-228
- Determination of radon analysis Rn-222
- Determination of strontium analysis of plant samples
- Determination of technetium analysis Tc-99
- Determination of uranium from water samples
- Ion chromatography
- Preparation of gamma calibration standards
- ICPMS analysis
- Environmental analysis
- Advance stable isotope anaysis