Partner 10: Główny Instytut Górnictwa, Śląskie Centrum Radiometrii Środowiskowej (GIG-SCRS), Poland

GIG is located in Katowice, the administrative centre of Silesia, a mining and industrial region in southern Poland and  is a research and development institute, working for mining industry, local authorities and environment protection business. The mission of the Institute is to create modern, energy-saving and clean technologies, technical solutions and undertake measures towards the creation of desired relationship: industry – environment – people. 

Waste management, water and air protection related to mining industry restructuring are current specific research areas of GIG. The tasks related to radioprotection and radioecology, mainly in the context of enhanced natural radioactivity (NORM) are run by the Silesian Centre for Environmental Radioactivity (SCRS). The SCRS team has been involved in the problems caused by NORM at industrial and post-industrial areas for many years. The team has extensive experience in radiation measurements, occupational risk assessment and monitoring of the environmental impact related to the enhanced natural radioactivity. One of significant achievement of this team is the complete system of radioprotection, including all measurement methods, risk evaluation and regulations implemented in all Polish underground mines in 1989. After this system had been enforced the main scientific activity of SCRS was directed into protection of the environment against ionising radiation, including e.g. non-human biota, effects related to the simultaneous presence of other toxic metals and different environmental conditions or radon and radon progeny at homes. 

During the last few years SCRS has participated in EU projects ERRICCA II, TENORM-HARM, WATERNORM mainly focused on radiation protection and environmental effects related to an activity of a non-nuclear industry. SCRS has experience in training of industry operators in radiation protection and NORM waste management and can provide excellent condition for training and exercises focused on radiation protection and radioecology. SCRS disposes almost all measurement techniques useful in radiation protection and radioecology (i.e. high resolution gamma spectrometry, alpha spectrometry, liquid scintillation spectrometry, radiochemical lab and TLD dosimetry). Due to recent development the capabilities of SCRS were completed with the equipment allowing exposure to different radiation (X, γ, β and neutrons) under controlled conditions in wide range of doses. The SCRS team is supported by other GIG‟s departments, ready to measure concentrations of non-radioactive constituents and to perform classical chemical analyses. Within the PORANO project, SCRS tightly cooperated with Faculty of Biology, Silesian University on the investigation of critical endpoints in plant cells exposed to enhanced natural radiation. 

Within COMET GIG will contribute to project management activities via workpackage 1 and support the consortium in all issues related to NORM. Especially, GIG will participate in the workpackage 2 in close relation to research conducted in workpackage 3, tasks 3.1 and 3.3, will be co-leader of tasks 2.4. and 3.4. In WP 5, GIG will contribute to the planning and running of field training and open workshops. Staff members contributing to COMET:

Bogusław Michalik D.Sc., professor GIG, has 25 years‟ experience in radiation protection and radioecology. He is highly qualified expert in the field of radiation protection in non-nuclear industry (NORM). Author about 80 scientific articles and monograph entitled: Radioactive contamination of environment caused by an activity of underground mines. Will co-ordinate GIG work within COMET and participate in the WP 2 in close relation to researches conducted in WP3.

Małgorzata Wysocka D.Sc., professor GIG, head of SCRS, for more than 25 years has been involved in investigations in the field of radiometry, geology, radon in soil gas and in indoor atmosphere, radon exhalation rates, radioprotection in non-uranium mines and rehabilitation of NORM contaminated sites. The main scientific area of last years: observations of migration of radon in geological environment in industrial and postindustrial zones. Author of about 60 publications. Will contribute to the task 2.3. Infrastructures and 2.4. Co-ordination with national programmes.

Krystian Skubacz, Dr., more than 25 years experience in radiometry and radiation protection, application of nuclear techniques in research and industry, measurement techniques like alpha spectroscopy and TLD dosimetry, investigations of atmosphere, radon and radon daughters, development of new measuring devices and software related to radiation protection. Besides activities in frame of WP 3, he will be involved in open workshop running within WP5.

Other participating scientists: M. Bonczyk M.Sc. (physicist) specialist in HGRS and mathematical modeling; I. Chmielewska M.Sc.(radiochemist) specialist in radionuclides speciation analysis.