The European Radioecology Alliance - the ALLIANCE – was founded in 2009 and officially registered in 2012. Since its creation, the ALLIANCE has progressively grown, going from the eight founding members in 2012 to 30 members, from 16 countries, in 2020. The objectives of the ALLIANCE are to coordinate and promote European research in radioecology. The ALLIANCE also endeavours to maintain and enhance radioecological competence and experimental infrastructures within Europe. Details of the Strategic Research Agenda for radioecology agreed by ALLIANCE members can be found HERE.
The ALLIANCE signed in 2013, a Memorandum of Understanding with the International Union of Radioecology (IUR) and the other major European platforms responsible for the different areas of radiation protection research (MELODI, NERIS and EURADOS). In November 2015, the ALLIANCE was given Special Liaison status by the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP). The ALLIANCE promoted and is now a member of the Consortium of European Radiation Protection Research Platforms MEENAS (MELODI, EURADOS, EURAMED, NERIS, ALLIANCE, SHARE), created in 2020.
Any organisation conducting radioecology-related activities, can apply to become a member of the European Radioecology Alliance by completing this template.
How to apply for ALLIANCE financial support
The European Radioecology Alliance (ALLIANCE) allocates up to 15,000 € per year to its members, to perform activities related with radioecology, for example:
- Mobility of ALLIANCE members (scientific visits to ALLIANCE members’ facilities or observatory sites) in the context of the roadmaps
- Participation of PhD students or young scientists in meetings, workshops, conferences, training activities, fieldwork etc.
- Organisation/participation in roadmap meetings (either topical roadmaps or global roadmap meetings)
- Development of databases, structured information collection for the advancement of knowledge in radioecology, knowledge preservation and dissemination activities
There are two application deadlines (two calls) per year: 31 March and 30 September. Exceptionally, and provided a 2/3rd majority vote in the Board of Directors, a proposal can be submitted and evaluated at an intermittent date. Please have a look at the rules for applicants (eligibility, application deadline and budget allocated, rules, concepts to be funded, and the content of the application) and the submission and evaluation procedure and if you are interested in applying for financial support from ALLIANCE, please fill out the Application Form.
Page last updated: Apr/May 2020