Strategic Research Agenda

The ALLIANCE Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), dedicated to radioecology, is a living document that defines a long-term vision (20 years) of the needs for, and implementation of, research in radioecology in Europe. The current SRA, released in November 2019, is the third version (in part funded by the CONCERT European Joint Prograamme). It presents an update of the research strategy (first published by the ALLIANCE in 2012) for three research challenges, and is complemented by a strategy to maintain and develop the associated required capacities for workforce (education and training) and research infrastructures and capabilities.

The SRA will require considerable resources and time to bring it to fruition. The “how”, “means” and “practicality” of accomplishing the research presented in the SRA are developed in topical roadmaps, with the help and endorsement of the ALLIANCE Working Groups (WGs), focusing on five priority subjects: Atmospheric Radionuclides and Transfer Processes; Human Food Chain; Marine Radioecology; Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM); Transgenerational Effects and Species Radiosensitivity.  

Beyond purely Radioecology research, the SRA was updated with regard to its integration into a global vision of European wide research in radiation protection. Its implementation is accomplished within a Joint Roadmap for radiation protection in Europe, established under the H2020 CONCERT European Joint Programme. 

By making our SRA available, the ALLIANCE seeks the contribution and support of the concerned research communities, end users, decision makers and other stakeholders in the evaluation and further evolution of the priorities for radioecology research in Europe. Comments can be sent to the ALLIANCE via this online form.


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Page last updated: Jan 2022