Final dissemination event: agenda, presentations & posters

The STAR project finished on 31st July 2015 - page no longer being updated

The STAR project final dissemination event was held in beautiful Aix-en-Provence, 9-11 June 2015

The event presented the results of the 4.5 year research programme and discussed with the wider community the continued integration of radioecology with other radiation protection disciplines. The programme was a mixture of presentations, discussions, debates, posters, interactive demonstrations and social events.

The program can be consulted PDF icon here



The SRA in Radioecology: the seed for integrationJ. Garnier-Laplace (IRSN)
Alliance - including COMETF. Hardeman
Are radiation protection benchmarks for wildlife protective enough in a multiple stressor context? R. Gilbin (IRSN)
Challenges and solutions identified by STARA. Real (CIEMAT)
Closing: Summary of the main conclusions from the debate sessionsL. Février (IRSN)
File CROMERICA: a unique tool to perform risk assessment for human and wildlifeJ.C. Mora (CIEMAT)
Debate session - the radiation protection benchmarks for wildlife in a multiple stressor context 
Debate session - the robustness of ecological radioprotection criteria 
Debate session with the whole audience 
Debate session – integration of assessment methodologies 
Debate session – Pursuing sustainability and integration 
Enhancing Education and TrainingL. Skipperud (NMBU)
EURADOSJ. Tschiersch
Exploring radiation effects at different biological scales (How do alpha and gamma radiation compare?)N. Horemans (SCK•CEN)
Fukushima-derived radionuclides in marine biotaJ. Nishikawa (Tokai Univ.)
How can we integrate the human and environmental radioprotection frameworkC. Bradshaw (SU)
How wrong are you if you do not consider mixtures?H. Vandenhove (SCK•CEN)
Increasing ecological relevance in radiological protection criteriaD. Oughton (NMBU)
Integrating radiation effects from molecules to populationsF. Alonzo (IRSN)
IntroductionF. Alonzo (IRSN)
Introduction - the ALLIANCE and the SRAF. Hardeman
Making the most of what we haveN.A. Beresford (CEH)
MELODIJ.R. Jourdain
NERIST. Schneider
New research into marine radioecology off the Fukushima coastlineN. Fisher (SUNY)
Observatory sites – lessons learnt by STARM. Steiner (BfS)
PDF icon Radioecology at the service of mitigating societal impacts of nuclear accidentA. Liland (NRPA)
File Reference mixture models developed for chemical toxicants work when radionuclides are in the mixC. Svendsen (CEH)
File Sharing tools - infrastructure databaseP. Vesterbacka (STUK)
Sharing tools - Radioecology Exchange websiteC. Barnett (CEH)
STAR objectives regarding integrationT. Ikäheimonen (STUK)
The CONCERT projectT. Jung

Thursday 11th June

The STAR toolbox: advancing radiation risk assessment and sharing knowledge

Tuesday 9th June

The integration of radioecology at the European level

Understanding bioaccumulation is required for explaining/predicting mixture effectsH.-C. Teien (NMBU)
Understanding bioavailability is important to understand mixture toxicityS. Lofts (CEH)
Understanding underlying mechanisms is required for explaining/predicting mixture effectsC. Bradshaw (SU)

Wednesday 10th June

Protection frameworks for wildlife – advancing the underlying science through integrated research

(Sorry, some of the presentations below have not been linked as much of the data presented has not yet been published; once it has been published the papers will be made available from the information exchange tab).

Welcome address, a brief overview of STAR’s goalsJ.C. Gariel (IRSN)


(Picture credit: By Hogne (Own work) [CC BY-SA 1.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons)