STAR Protocols and manuals
All the protocols used during experiments conducted in STAR are available here.
Two protocols are described in detail, these are:
- Endoreduplication is a typical response of plants to avoid damage by different abiotic stressors; this is estimated by measuring the ploidy of plants in isolated nuclei (SCK•CEN)
- Exposure of the nematode worm Caenorhabditis elegans to radionuclides during its whole life cycle for the study of toxic effects on growth and reproduction kinetics (IRSN)
Summarised information is available for the following:
- Arabidopsis thaliana Culture in Hydroponics
- Area and frond estimation in Image J
- cDNA synthesis for use in RT-PCR
- Checking RNA-content of samples with the NANODROP
- Checking RNA quality with the BIOANALYZER using the RNA 6000 nano kit
- Continuous culture of Lemna minor
- Enzyme Analysis by Spectrophotometry - Plate Reader method
- Harvest of lemna minor
- Lipid peroxidation TBA/TCA plate reader method
- Metabolites measurements with the plate reader
- Mineralisation of plant material for determination of metal content
- OECD guidelines for the testing of chemicals
- Photosynthesis - examples of results
- Photosynthesis measurement in Arabidopsis thalliana using the DUAL-PAM
- RNA extraction from plant samples
- Two-step RT-PCR analysis