STAR Reports

Project report
Project report for the 18-36 month period.
Performance report

This document is a Performance Report of  STAR for its second 18 months of funding, from 1 August 2012 to 31 January 2014. STAR has made considerable progress in advancing the science of radioecology over the last 36- months, and in developing a sustainable network, as demonstrated by these five value-added contributions:

  • Developing the long-term integration of the radioecology community.
  • Produced the first Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) in radioecology.
  • Developed the first web portal that openly provides radioecological information to Stakeholders.
  • Identified and responded to the demands for and supply of relevant radioecological training and educational needs within Europe.
  • STAR’s three research programmes are making significant progress in key areas identified within the Strategic Research Agenda.
Flex fund report
This document is a report of STAR’s expenditure of its Flex Fund account of 159.5 k€. The primary purpose of the account is to bring new partners into the STAR consortium and 100 k€ was earmarked for an open competitive call for new partners to the NoE. The remaining amount (59.5 k€) was set aside for emergency allocations. The report covers the period from1 February 2011 (when funding began) to 31 January 2014.
Updated QA manual and Communication plan
Deliverable 1.6 is an update of the draft Quality Assurance (QA) Manual and a Communication Plan prepared in June 2011. Although the document constitutes one deliverable to the European Commission (EC), it is presented in two sections: the Quality Assurance Manual (Chapter 2), and the Communication Plan (Chapter 3). Each section is a stand-alone document. The Quality Assurance manual compliments STAR’s Grant Agreement with the EC (n° 26972), and the Consortium Agreement among the STAR partners. 

The Communication Plan is a guide to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of communicating information to the stakeholders of STAR and its parent organization, the European Radioecology Alliance (ALLIANCE). This plancomplements the work being performed in STAR’s Work Package-7 (Knowledge Dissemination). Work package-7 will produce an EC deliverable (D7.2) in month 52 (May 2015) that will be a “long term dissemination plan” for the ALLIANCE.