Keeping the ICRP Recommendations Fit for Purpose

Paper and digital workshop (19-20 October 2021)


ICRP is comprised of over 250 of the world’s leading radiation experts.  They are the “keepers” of the System of Radiological Protection, but the System exists for those who use it to protect patients, workers, the public, and the environment.  Collaboration with the people it impacts the most is essential.

Over the next decade, they will work together to develop the next fundamental recommendations that will shape radiation-related policy, practice, guidelines, and regulations around the world.

The 'Keeping the ICRP Recommendations Fit For Purpose' paper is a key step in that process. Through many conversations over the last couple of years and ICRP experience, this paper summarises the topics being considered for the future of RP.  They want to hear your responses, thoughts, and feedback by participating in the Digital Workshop later this year.

To stay up-to-date on this highly anticipated Digital Workshop, sign up here: 

You'll be the first to know the details of the programme, where and when to submit abstracts, and how you can help shape the future of radiological protection.