Submitted by Ms. Cath Barnett on
Training course: From nuclear data to a reliable estimate of spent fuel decay heat
On October 25, 2017 the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology will organise, in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Geel, a training course entitled “From nuclear data to a reliable estimate of spent fuel decay heat”, which will be held at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse in Mol, Belgium.
Objective & topics
This training course is organized by the SCK•CEN Academy for Nuclear Science and Technology in collaboration with the EC-JRC Geel in order to bring together master students, PhD students or professionals involved in the characterization of spent nuclear fuel, decay heat calculations and/or measurements.
The following topics will be treated:
- Experimental determination of fission fragment yields and characteristics
- Prompt neutron and gamma-ray emission in nuclear fission
- Physics of fission yield models
- Q-value and decay heat
- Activation/depletion of reactor fuel
- Decay heat experiments
- Experimental characterisation of spent nuclear fuel
Target public
Master students, PhD students or professionals involved in the characterization of spent nuclear fuel, decay heat calculations and measurements.
Visit the SCK•CEN Academy website for more information.
Registration & price
Online registration is mandatory for all participants via the SCK•CEN Academy website.
The registration fee is € 440 (VAT included), the deadline for registration to the course is October 9, 2017
This fee includes:
- course material in printed format;
- lunch and refreshment breaks;
- dinner;
- a certificate of attendance;
- free participation to the corresponding Topical Day on October 26, 2017.
Venue & accommodation
The course is held at the SCK•CEN Lakehouse, Boeretang 201, 2400 Mol, Belgium.
Rooms can be booked directly at the Lakehouse Hotel (